October 4, 2015 at 5:56 am #550
Dave Burt
KeymasterPost your chemistry results and planned adjustments of the Viognier here (reply to this post).
YAN was analyzed for a sample taken on Sept. 17, 2015 and was 162.2 mg N/L. The Viognier was picked on October 1st so the YAN may have decreased somewhat from the sample date
Be aware that this grape was purposely allowed to hang on the vines to allow the tropical fruit flavours and associated aromatics to develop. To pick it earlier would have resulted in a more simple wine of subtle citrus notes. We went for full on flavour and aromatics. The trade-off is that the Brix will be high and the acid low, and you will need to adjust these according to your personal preferences.
October 5, 2015 at 1:27 am #560
Jan Nilsson
KeymasterI measured the ph to 3.9 and TA was 4.6 today Oct 4th. I don’t have Spectrometer so I can’t read BRIX but the SG was 1.11
October 5, 2015 at 7:20 am #566
Dave Burt
KeymasterI took the last 50 lbs left at the end – went through the bladder press with Brian’s 150 lbs.
Settled the juice overnight. In the morning I had a layer of sludge on the top and on the bottom (just not cold enough). Managed to siphon off the middle layer of relatively clear juice; froze the sludge.Measurements on the liquid component:
Brix 26.3, pH 4.11, TA 4.4
Added acidified water (tartaric addition rate 2.6 g/L).
This lowered the Brix to 24.4 (as predicted) and lowered the pH to 3.55; did not measure TA but predicted to be 7.0Rehydrated D47 yeast in Go Ferm and added to must at 11:00 pm
October 5, 2015 at 10:41 pm #573
Norm Lemmen
ParticipantNorm Lemmen
Brix 27.5 Ph 4.45 Acid 4.9 g/l
Acidified water to bring the Brix to 22 pH 4.45 Acid 6.5 g/l As in other whites our family prefers a bit lower acid. Still going to have a high alcohol Viognier.
October 6, 2015 at 12:47 am #574
Don Graham
ParticipantMy #s on cloudy settled juice
Brix 26.4. pH 4.26 TA 4.8
Added H2O to get 24 Brix
Added 3G/L tartaric
The acid helped in settling
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