September 1, 2015 at 4:00 am #465
InactiveThis is the place to post your chemistry results (Brix, pH, and TA), and discuss your planned adjustments (example: water and/or acid adjustments) for the Sauvignon Blanc.
A few comments on chemistry measurements:
* If using a hydrometer to measure Brix/specific gravity, if the juice has suspended solids, settle your sample overnight in the fridge and use the clear fraction – suspended solids can result in an overestimation of Brix.
* Calibrations solutions for pH meters generally have a shelf life of 1 year; pH 4.0 is particularly vulnerable to going off; 7.0 is more stable.
* Sodium hydroxide solutions have a shelf life of about 6 months (they take up CO2 with time), though I have been able to keep mine for about 1 year when stored in a darkened bottle with a tight lid. -
September 6, 2015 at 4:37 am #495
Dave Burt
KeymasterTo get this forum going, here are my steps with this wine so far:
Day 1: brought home 100 lbs of crush, placed in garage (coolest place), added 1 ml Cinn Free
Day 2: pressed off skins in morning (~24 hr cold soak), yield 31 L, 6 inches of sludge on bottom by evening
Day 3: racking gave 25 L of juice and 6 L of sludge; sludge put in freezer for Duane’s “Cryo-extraction” process.
Chemistry results (did it twice):
Brix 21.4, 21.5 (refractometer)
pH 3.81, 3.76
TA 5.3, 5.2
Day 4: Added 2 g/L of tartaric acid; chemistry after addition:
Brix 21.5
pH 3.52
TA 7.0
Rehydrated 5 g Vin13 yeast in 7 g of Go Ferm and added to primary -
September 6, 2015 at 7:31 pm #499
Jan Nilsson
Keymaster400 lbs. yield about 107L
average Brix = 22
Avg. TA = 6.0g/L
pH = 3.7
Added 4g Rapidex CX and will settle for 2 Days
Using VL3
TA is low and pH is a little too high so will add 1.5g/L Tartaric Acid. -
September 6, 2015 at 10:14 pm #500
Jan Nilsson
Keymaster250 lbs. yield 61 litres,
Brix 23
TA 5.9
pH 3.6
pH to 3.3 and TA to 8.0 by adding 2.4g/l Tartaric Acid
added 2 ml of Cinn free on the second dayStarted ferment with D254 must temp +16C
September 7, 2015 at 12:13 am #501
Sandy Kirk
ParticipantParameters were similar to those above on this forum. pH around 3.7 and TA 6 or so. I noted that the longer skin contacts gave higher TA and pH consistent with tartrate extraction from the skins. Batches were roughly 65 L.
1. 4 hr juice: 3.59/6 Added 81 g tartaric went to 3.50/8.1 Started with SVG SG 1.089
2. 8 hr juice: 3.68/5.7 Added 85 g tartaric went to 3.54/6.9. Started with Vin 13 Slow. SG 1.088
3. 24 hr juice 3.82/6.6 Added 63 g tartaric went to 3.68/7.5 Starting with CY3079. SG 1.085
All had pectic enzyme added at 0.5 to 0.7 g per gall.
Planning second runs to be prepared Monday. 7th
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