What A Day! – 2018 Summer BBQ, Wine Competition & Sausage Making

In Wine Judging Competition by Jan NilssonLeave a Comment

A magnificent summer day, a mountain of meat turned into delicious sausages, culinary delights of the highest order, wonderful company and the inevitable superb wine presentations by members – a day never to be missed. Each year, it seems that everyone outdoes what has come before. This year was no exception.

And now a word from our President, David Burt……….. who does not lie!

“Thanks to all who attended our 2018 summer BBQ and picnic, and for your efforts in the kitchen to create such enticing appetizers, salads and deserts. The sharing and comradely consistently makes this one of our most pleasurable events of the year.

Special thanks is owing to some of our members:

Franco – It seems that you have infused a bit of Italian culture in us with the sausage making. Know that we truly appreciate all the work by you and Jane in making this happen.

Cindy – fabulous job start to finish. We mortals are always amazed at your organizations skills and the attention to details no one else would foresee. Thank you for all your work in the planning and preparations, and for keeping us on track during the picnic (as best as can be expected once friends, food and wine coexist).

Doug – The Patio Wines Competition added an extra layer of fun to the evening. A big thanks to you and Cathy for organizing this part of the evening.

And of course, we are most grateful to our BBQ team, Andrew and Mike, who stalwartly manned the BBQ throughout. Every sausage was cooked to perfection.

Lastly, Ian and Wendy Baker – thanks for you’re donations of award winning wines from Sea Star Vineyards to our raffle. It is always a pleasure to have you guys at our events and catch up on the latest with the winery.”

What more can we say? Well, let’s start with a few pictures:

Sausage makers gathered at 10:30 am under the direction of the King of Sausage – Franco

A record number of sausages and sausage makers made a total of three hundred pounds of links. As usual, everyone donated some of their links to the BBQ picnic and the 65 attendees enjoyed the fruits of Franco’s apprentices.

By 3:30pm set up is almost complete and folks start to arrive and stake their spot in the shade.

The Culinary creations alone are worth the price of admission – $10!! Are you kidding me?



And did I mention the wine?

There were winners…

And there were gamers…..

Prize draw donators…..

And jokers…….

Serious drinkers……

And men with sausage problems……

But the highlight for me was the 50/50 draw.

For $10, you could chose a length of tickets based upon the seller’s leg or the other seller’s belly! Belly had it hands down.

So Leg was changed to Bust and, lo and behold, the ticket tape showed a remarkable improvement resulting in a tie!! Ticket sales suddenly took on new vigor with the added punch line –  Belly v Bust or B & B as we say in the lottery business. Sales went thru the roof and the owners of the body parts who created such a sales bonanza for the club shall remain anonymous.

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