• October 15, 2016 at 5:26 am #780
      Dave Burt

      The 2016 Cabernet Franc from Danis Vineyard was picked on October 12th and arrived at the back of the Cavallotti Lodge on October 14.

      YAN for this grape was 166.2 mg N/L,

      Post your chemistry and balancing notes for this grape here.

    • October 16, 2016 at 6:12 pm #785
      Peter Huyghebaert

      My numbers after 48 hr cold soak. Measured at clear/settled must temp of 24C

      Brix= 23.5, SG=1.095, pH=3.91, TA=3.5

      Will add 2.5g/l Tartaric and measure again in 48 hrs.

      With a given YAN of 166 and using D254, I’ll be adding 165 YAN.

    • October 22, 2016 at 6:09 pm #810
      Peter Huyghebaert

      Brought my Cab Franc in to leave room for my Syrah. Started it Thursday night with 10g of D254.

      Got a big whiff of H2S Friday night and gave both fermenters a shot of 4g FK and 2G DAP. Was up at 0200 this morning and checked again – one fermenter still a bit stinky, so gave them each another 4/2 feeding. (about an extra 50 YAN) This morning at 0800 that one fermenter was still a bit stinky so gave it 3g of DAP. The other one is still sweet. After the extra feeding and aerating it cleared up.

      I have a hunch that the YAN analysis for this Cab Franc was a bit over-estimated. I suggest everyone keep their “nose to the fermenter” on this grape. I’m prepared to feed it quite a bit more than the 165 YAN the numbers indicate.

      • October 22, 2016 at 10:55 pm #816
        Dave Burt

        Hi Peter,
        I experienced the same problem with the Pinot Noir and ended up discounting the Labs YAN in favour of a default value of 100 mg N per L. Others are also experiencing H2S issues on other grapes. Similarly for my Syrah, Willems spreadsheet suggests only minor nutrients needed, but again, I am going default to an assumed level of 100 mg N per L in the grapes.

    • October 22, 2016 at 9:36 pm #814

      300 lbs
      Brix: 22.5
      pH: 3.9
      5 day cold soak
      Added 2 g/l tartaric
      pH: 3.76
      Very happy with these grapes and progress

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